138th brigadeの例文


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  1. After all of its battalions were posted away the 138th Brigade was disbanded.
  2. Men of the 6th Battalion, York and Lancaster Regiment, part of the 138th Brigade, British 46th Infantry Division, enter Salerno during the Allied invasion of Italy, 10 September 1943.
  3. The 138th Brigade was in reserve less two battalions and each brigade had a Field Company RE and the divisional pioneer battalion, 1 / 1st Monmouthshire Regiment ( Monmouths ), was to dig communication trenches.
  4. The 6th Battalion, 138th Brigade of 46th Division, several Churchill tanks of the North Irish Horse, of 25th Army Tank Brigade, plus elements of No . 1 Commando and 16 DLI were involved in the defence of the town, which finally fell to the Germans and Italians on March 4.
  5. The KLA's 138th brigade, based at Kosare, a former Serb police barracks, has had three firefights with Serb forces in as many days . The rebels managed to push another 300 to 500 yards into Kosovo, only to retreat in the teeth of superior firepower from the Yugoslav army and police units.


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  14. "138th division"の例文

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